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Meeting – Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert
Present: Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Amy Alpert, Sara Fiore, Bev Moustakis,  Sandra Power, Maryanne Piechocki,  Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent: Mary Ellen Halliwell  Guest: Lisa Spense
Review of minutes of the meeting held April 20, 2010 – The minutes approved as submitted. 
The meeting was called together at 7:33 P.M.
1.  Community Gardens group – Lisa Spense is an active member of both the Salem Community Gardens organization and the newly formed Winter Island group.  She  reported on various improvement projects the groups are working on such as pulling up bittersweet at Winter island and working on the appearance of fences at the Community gardens.  Discussion focused on areas which her groups and the Beautification Committee have a common interest.   It was suggested that the Community Gardens group may be able to contribute to the plant sale and the Beautification Committee may be able to help the Garden and Winter Island groups with forthcoming projects.
2.  Clean Sweeps May 1, 2010 – Ellen noted that the event was very successful.  All participants including Northside Carting, the bike group which collected thirty bicycles, the Big Brothers Big Sisters group and others did well.   All volunteers worked very hard.  A special “thank you” was extended to Maryanne’s husband who delivered coffee at the various cleanup stations.  Suggestions as to involving other community groups in the event were proferred.
3.   Plant Sale, May 15, 2010 –  See report submitted by Sandi Power which is attached hereto as Attachment A .  
 Marcia has photographs of the event.  Ellen reported that the event grossed $2,250.00 of which the Committee netted $1460.00.  Of this amount $1,000.00 is attributed to the Saturday sale.   Last year’s sale netted $1,600.00.   It was noted that the supplier for Flowers by Darlene suffered a fire which affected the selection that was provided for the event.  Discussion concerning prices, and the placement of the event on the Common followed.  There was enthusiastic praise for the work of the volunteers.  “Thank yous” will be forthcoming.,
4.  Traffic Islands – See report submitted by Sandi Power which is attached here to as Attachment B.
 Maryanne noted that she knows a potential sponsor who will be contacted.  It is planned that a committee will monitor the maintenance of the islands over the season.  The Committee has been asked whether it wants to be represented in judging residential projects that have been spurred by the Bridge Street Task Force.   Maryanne will follow up on this invitation.
5.  Artist Row – It was reported that Mary Ellen intends to plant the whiskey barrels tomorrow.   Volunteers were asked to arrive at 10:00 A.M.   Marica noted that Jason Silva was very complimentary about the planted whiskey barrels that now decorate Lafayette Street been harbor and Ward streets.  Ellen volunteered that she would send notes of appreciation to all those who had worked on the project.
6.  MBTA – was tabled due to Mary Ellen’s absence
7.  Public Art – was tabled due to Mary Ellen’s absence
8. Logo – was tabled as the issue had been previously discussed and resolved.
9. Year end reports – Ellen is working on the report
10.  New Business
            a.  Sandi reported according to Tom O’Shea  a clock timer  that controls irrigation of plantings on Hawthorne Boulevard is broken.  The cost to repair is $350.00.   She suggested  and moved that the Committee volunteer to pay one half of the cost to repair the clock.  The motion was seconded and passed.
            b.  The news story that rhododendrons planted at the base of the war monument at the foot of Winter Street had been stolen was discussed.   Beverly  moved that the Committee contribute $50.00 to the replacement of the flowers.  The motion was seconded and passed.
            c.  Sandi commented on the state of the plants that are dying on the new islands that have been created at Peabody, Ward and Congress Streets.  Ellen noted that Tom Watkins is aware of the situation.  Sandi further noted that Michael Blier, the architect for the islands, is willing to meet with the Committee and others to plan what do with the them.
            d.  Everyone was encouraged to bring money raising ideas to the next meeting.
A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
Judith Wolfe
Next meeting:  June 22, 2010
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert
Plant Sale May 15 and 16, 2010
8:30 - 12:30 and 11 - 2 p.m.

BCom members involved - Amy, Bev, Judith, Marcia, Mary Anne (in absentia), Sandi, and Ellen Talkowsky for the City
Perennial oversight   - Sandi
Financial    "             - Ellen
Volunteer recruitment and oversight - Mary Anne and Sandi

Highlights - The weather was lovely, if windy.  Many volunteers were recruited when Mary Anne walked her three basset hounds around town wearing sandwich boards advertising the plant sale and the need for volunteers.  Other volunteers were from a pre-existing list of BCom associates.  A new volunteer, Dennis Uram, volunteered his time and his truck to cart the perennials from Sandi's yard to the Common and back both days.   North Shore Fruit Basket, for the third year in a row, provided the annuals.  There were several donors of perennials, with Dolores Jordan and Sandi Power providing the bulk of them.  There were over 150 plants in all.  Volunteer John Wright and BCom member Judith Wolfe each spent the good part of a day helping Sandi pot up the perennials

Downside -   There were fewer buyers than in previous years and there were many perennials left over.   The nursery source for North Shore Fruit Basket's annuals  had recently burned down and we were not given the diversity of plants that we would have liked. 

Other thoughts about changes to improve next year's plant sale include earlier hours on Sunday, plants and banner closer to the gate so more easily seen by the public, larger plant labels for the perennials, etc.

Per Ellen Talkowsky, the net profit  from Sale:   $1460.00
Net from 2009:   $1670

Sandi Power

Discussion after this report revealed that everyone thought that the staff from North Shore Fruit Basket  (Dennis in particular) had been exceptionally helpful in setting up the plants and promptly bringing additional plants when requested.  Also that the plant lists and totals completed by the volunteers for the purchasers were very helpful to the attendants taking the cash.
Beautification Committee Minutes of   Meeting held May 25, 2010
BCom Traffic Island Report

2010 sponsorship: 

All except 5 sponsors have returned their MOU's and paid.  There are five islands left without sponsors:  1.)  median strip at the Common,   2.) sidewalk garden at Front and Wash. St.,   3.) the hosta strip across from post office at Riley Plaza,   4.)  small island cut by a sidewalk at the Witch House intersection, 5.) the garden facing the parking lot at Riley Plaza, mostly unplanted,  6.)  Loring Square, which may eventually be again sponsored by the South Salem Neighborhood Assoc., who hope to find some help to partially hardscape it

The Wm. Driver Park will be under the care of the new Essex St. Neighborhood Association under the direction of Mary Whitney.  They may eventually sponsor it as a non profit.
New sponsors acquired:  1.) Cornerstone Bookstore have sponsored the island at Norman Street at Dunkin' Donuts,  2.) The Rotary Club are sponsoring Riley Plaza facing Washington St. intersection and, in addition, are planting a garden under their sign at the initersection

A committee of volunteers is being formed to maintain the sponsored islands throughout the summer.

Sandi Power
Traffic Islands

Ellen Talkowsky reported that landscape architect Michael Blier, who designed and oversaw the plantings at Peabody, Ward, and Congress, would be interested in meeting with BCom members and residents there to discuss the plantings.  She also advised that Tom Watkins is aware that many of the grasses have died and is working with the contractor to have them replaced within the warrantee time.

Beautification Committee Minutes of   Meeting held May 25, 2010